Hello and welcome to my blog. My name is Shiianov Vadim and on the internet I often go by the name binpord. Here is a picture of me:
I’m a MIPT and YSDA student and a machine learning engineer. I am currently unemployed focusing on getting my Master’s degree. My last place of work was at Yandex Self-Driving Cars. For more accurate info about my current employment feel free to visit my LinkedIn page. If you are an HR and you are interested in hiring me please contact me via an e-mail or on the LinkedIn.
In this blog I plan to write articles about working as a software developer and probably some other things I find fascinating. Please feel free to check out my posts, I really hope you’d like them.
This blog has been written entirely using Markdown. If you want to make such a blog of your own, make sure to check out an awesome Jeremy Howard’s article and a GitHub pages template. Don’t worry, it is entirely free and mostly effortless. I would really like to personally thank Jeremy and other guys from fast.ai for their great work on this template.